Pigmentation Removed from Gum Tissue By Michigan Periodontist, Dr. Joseph Nemeth

Unusual gingival pigmentation occurs commonly among patients. Many patients complain of having dark brown blemishes throughout their gum tissue. Practically any level of pigmentation problem can be overcome with today’s advances in dental technology. Through a minimally invasive and relatively pain-free procedure, blemished gum tissue can be restored resulting in a more cosmetically-pleasing smile.

To learn more about this minimally invasive cosmetic gum procedure, call Dr. Joseph Nemeth and Associates at 248.357.3100 or visit us on the web at www.drnemeth.com.

Comments (3)

You're the best, Dr. Nemeth!!!!

What are some of the causes for this? I must admit it would be nice to have pinker gums.

Usually just heredity. Easily fixable, sometimes done with a laser. Call 248.357.3100 and Dr. Nemeth will be glad to see you for a consult regarding gum pigmentation removal.