Many times early stage periodontal disease can be treated with nonsurgical periodontal therapy. This is generally accomplished by a procedure called Therapeutic Scaling & Root Planing.
Therapeutic Scaling & Root Planing is a meticulous treatment designed to remove toxins and bacteria from root surfaces of the teeth allowing the body’s immune system to begin the healing process. It is designed to eliminate bacteria that cause periodontal disease and to shrink periodontal pockets that harbor bacteria. We use ultrasonic and hand instrumentation to remove plaque and calculus from root surfaces, irrigants to disinfect these areas, and fluoride to de-sensitize root surfaces and prevent decay.
In severe cases of periodontal disease, this therapy often precedes surgical therapy. This is done to improve overall tissue quality prior to surgery and also to help limit the areas requiring surgery.
Antibiotics may be used to help control the growth of bacteria that lead to periodontal disease. In some cases, the doctor may place a small amount of antibiotic in the periodontal pocket after therapeutic scaling and root planing. This is done to control infection and to encourage normal healing, and studies have shown that it may be effective at shrinking the size of infected periodontal pockets.
Our practice also became one of the first in the country to offer patients treatment using the Perioscopy System, a fiberoptic technology that allows us to see deep into gum tissue and around the roots of teeth without surgery. This enhanced viewing provides major support for thorough cleanings and diagnostic capabilities.
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